NyreePress Blog

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Great Office Supplies Deals! Do you organize your office? — June 1, 2012

Great Office Supplies Deals! Do you organize your office?

We have a Staples really close to our house. It takes about five minutes to get there. It’s very convenient when I need to print lots of documents,  buy envelops, or create posters. You know– all the business stuff we writers need to do. Well, Staples is great for those types of things. Well, today I made a run there and bought a few of these adorable folders and a couple small note pads. Here are the pictures:


Each of these folders were $1.00 a piece. The black and white note pad that comes with an ink pen was $2.00. The small purple note pad was $1.00.

This deal instantly grabbed me. I’m sure I’ll be back for more.

I believe that part of writing well is being organized. There’s nothing more frustrating than having a desk full of papers and stickie notes. I know what it’s like to have an office like that, trust me. Thankfully, a few years ago I had a change of heart. Now, I absolutely can’t operate with clutter around me. I need nice folders and a clean desk.

How does my office look?

I have a tiny office space. But there’s one thing I absolutely need in my office. It has to be organized and it has to have lots of color in it. I mostly have black and white (I love Zebra print) but I also have bright colors around me. Color gives me inspiration (notice the purple).

If my office environment is messy, it feels like my mind is cluttered. Keeping it together makes writing easy for me.

If you want to take advantage of this great deal from Staples, go to www.staples.com and check out the great Memorial Day sale that’s still going on.

Question for you

Do you work well in an organized environment? What are some things that help make writing easy for you?

Note: I am in no way affiliated with Staples and do not receive payment for purchases made from this website.