NyreePress Blog

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5 ways exercise and physical fitness can help your writing life — June 4, 2012

5 ways exercise and physical fitness can help your writing life


As a writer, you’re constantly exercising. You’re exercising your vocabulary by stretching it and you’re exercising your mind by using it. Unfortunately, the writing life is one that always meets us with a hunched back and achy fingers. If we’re not careful, because our jobs are “sitting jobs” we can subject ourselves to certain health risk.

According to the article “Sitting: 6 New Reasons It’s Bad for Your Health” in The Huffington Post here are a few concerns doctor’s and researchers have with sitting jobs:

  • Sitting throughout most of the day may put individuals at higher risk for diabetes, obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • Putting pressure on certain body parts (i.e., your bottom) can produce up to 50 percent more fat than usual.
  • Sitting is an independent risk factor for serious cardiovascular events.

Not only does exercising give you wonderful health benefits, it is also a great thing that can help your writing life. Here are 5 reasons I believe consistant exercise can help your writing life:

1. (obvious reason) Reduces stress.

2. Opens your mind and brings clarity.

3. Provides a much needed break.

4. Helps you overcome writers block.

5. Keeps you healthy enough to write for years.

This week, I encourage you to consider taking a brisk walk every day, riding a bicycle, running or doing whatever type of exercise you enjoy. Consider your body as a tool used to share great messages with your pen. If you want to stay healthy and continue writing, take care of your physical body too. It’s just as important as your mind. If the two are healthy, they’ll work very well together.