NyreePress Blog

Words that Inspire. Books that Reach.

Writers: No More Excuses, Please — June 14, 2012

Writers: No More Excuses, Please


I was running late for my yearly echo-cardiogram appointment with my Cardiologist. And what’s crazy is that I woke up on-time. In fact, my three year old woke me up a little after 6am asking for juice.

I could barely see straight. I had that sleepy blurry vision going on. And, instead of staying up to prepare for my appointment, I leaped back in bed and went back to sleep.


When I finally rolled my butt out of the bed, it was 9am. And then, I took my precious time getting ready. I honestly just didn’t feel like going. I wasn’t intimidated by the appointment. I was hit with a lazy spell. I wanted to stay in bed and get “5 more minutes.”

My appointment was for 9:45am.

As I was riding up the highway before getting on the interstate, all I could think about was what excuse I could give them other than the honest to God truth. I was simply running late!

I considered these:

“My dog was barking all night long.”
“I was up all night with the baby.”
“I’m recovering from surgery and I’m still moving a little slow.”

Excuses. Excuses. And I don’t even have a dog!!!!!

This made me consider how easy it is to find excuses for things we are sure we were meant to do– like writing a book. We don’t normally consider “why” we are going to write it and the great impact it can have on someone’s life, right?

We hardly view the bigger picture.

Instead, we look at how hard we think it’ll be and we come up with tons of excuses.

I don’t have the time to do it.
I’m not qualified to write it.
I’m not an eloquent writer.
I hate writing.
I don’t have a computer.
I don’t have a printer. (????)
I’m not rich and can’t afford an editor.
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t have any support.
No one will buy my books.
I’m not a celebrity.
I didn’t get a degree in English.
I didn’t finish high school.
I didn’t finish kindergarten.
I hate the library.
Books, ugh.

One excuse after another.

Here’s what I’d like to encourage you with today.

Stop using excuses. Look at the bigger picture. The book that you know is in you will have an incredible impact on someone’s life. And, the more you put it off, the more you can rob someone of the blessing they can get from your words. Someone could really use your words in their life.

You were created with something special within you. Believe it and know that it’ll touch someone in a special way– fiction or non-fiction.

No more excuses!

Question for you:
What’s the best excuse you’ve ever used?? I’d love to hear it!

Thanks for visiting!
