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Let’s Talk Apps! My top 10 apps for writers — June 11, 2012

Let’s Talk Apps! My top 10 apps for writers

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We are far from the Stone Age, right? Our technology has grown by leaps and bounds. These days, when you’re at the airport, grocery store or  if you’re waiting for the train, you will likely find someone doing one or two things while they wait:

  • Talking on their phone or
  • Scrolling on their smart phones

Who ever makes pillows and neck braces must be making a killing. Ha! I’m just sayin’.

These advances in technology are actually great for us writers because the experts created great apps that are very beneficial to us.

Here are my top 10 favorite apps for writers:

  1. Pages: This is my favorite app on my iPad. I have all Apple products so I can sync my Macbook to my iPad and iPhone and use iCloud to work in the same document in Pages. I love that!
  2. Evernote: I’ve grown to love Evernote, thanks to Thomas Nelson CEO, Michael Hyatt. He often writes and brags about it. Read through the search results on Michael’s blog here for several great tips on how to get the most out of Evernote. They certainly helped me!
  3. Sticky Notes:  I am a huge fan of Stickies. In fact, when I learned there was an app for them I did a little happy dance. Sticky Notes allow me to post very random things around– things that come up during the day and are outside of my To-Do List. This is a great way I can avoid forgetting things.
  4. Calendar: I added Calendar to the list, although it’s an app that should come with every smart phone. Mine did and I didn’t use it for almost a year. Now, my calendar is crucial to my writing life. It helps me stay Organize and effectively plan. So, if you have a calendar, use it.
  5. Reminders: I found this cool app called “Reminders” that I thought was nice and easy to use. You can set reminders on your Calendar, but I use this app for other small tasks for writing that I will probably forget to add to my calendar (i.e.  blog-post, links for further research, articles due, etc).
  6. Blogging Apps: Squarespace, WordPress etc: If you blog, you should have an app on your phone for your blog hosting site of choice. I use WordPress. The WP app is perfect if I need to write a quick post, while I’m on the go.
  7. Dictionary: Every writer should always have a dictionary handy. The Dictionary app is perfect when you need clear definitions, etc for your work. Download it. It’s a must for writers.
  8. Goodreads: Goodreads is a great place for writers to connect with other writers and read reviews. Good writers are great readers. Join this community!
  9. Dropbox: If you’re like me, you probably have a ton of files on your hard-drive. If you do, you need to download an app like Dropbox to store files. This will save a significant amount of space on your PC/MAC for larger files like music, movies, pictures, etc.
  10. Google Docs: Google has several apps that are perfect for writers. On Google Docs you can store files, review and edit. There were some glitches, but I believe Google is working hard to make sure writers are getting the best out of this app. It’s one I’m still figuring out, but I think you’ll like it. Check into it.

So, that’s it. Those are my top ten favorite apps for writers!

Question for you:

What are your favorite apps that you use specifically for your writing life? Did any of your favs make my list? Share yours with me and I’ll be sure to write an update with your favs too!!!