
On Friday’s, I’d like to ask thought-provoking questions to our readers. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section on this blog. We appreciate your participation!

Can “anybody” write a book?

After my first book was published, I received many encouraging comments. Some people were uber excited. Other’s were proud of my accomplishment. However, one comment nearly made me feel like my hard work wasn’t worth a dime. It was the comment, “Anybody can write a book.”

People say the funniest things at the wrong times, eh?

When I heard the comment, I immediately responded, “Well, not really. I mean, sure. Scribble on a few pages and get a book cover, then boom—you’ve got a book. But a real author wants something polished and professional– a great story filled with chilling plots and asweet story-lines.. a heart-gripping story that will greatly touch their lives. Can anybody succeed at that? No.”

That was my logic.

But the truth is, since e-books are booming and self-publishing is more of a trend respectable publishing option, more books are being produced. That makes writing a book look “easier” today than 15 years ago.

So, can “anybody” write a book?

The answer depends on what you define as a “readable” book. This isn’t a catch-phrase that I’d walk around saying. Not only does it degrade the thousands of hours writers put into penning a book, but it also implies that it’s “too easy” to accomplish.

As a Literary Coach, one of the things I’m careful about is setting the stage as if this walk toward publication is a cake-walk. The truth is, it’s far from that. Writing a book takes..

  • Discipline
  • Dedication
  • Commitment
  • Tough skin
  • Sacrifice
  • Focus
  • Determination
  • Skill
  • Creativity
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Endurance

These are only a few words that can appropriately describe what it takes to write a book. The truth is, it doesn’t matter if you’re traditionally published or independently published. You will definitely use most– if not all– of those attributes. You may face frustrations on levels that your inner circle won’t be able to relate to. You may suffer with rejection that may test your faith. And you may deal with uncertainties about your book that may make you feel insignificant and unworthy of writing. It comes with carrying the “author-torch” much like the inevitable suffering we may experience in this world.

However, there are ups and downs to everything. My job here is to encourage aspiring writers to keep moving forward toward their dreams, despite the downs. But I don’t paint a picture as if frustrations and disappointments don’t exist. I motivate them to work hard, press forward and focus more on the joy that writing can bring.

I believe book-writing is a gift and a calling. It’s what some people were made to do. You may be one of those people who were uniquely designed for this. How would you know if you are? Because you’ll have a message in you that you just can’t shake off. You have to write it– whether it’s fiction or non-fiction. Real writers have that passion… It’s one of our greatest attributes in our careers. That’s what I look for when I talk to aspiring authors. I ask them, “Why do you want to write a book?” and I wait for their answer.

So, my answer is simple. I wouldn’t want to read a book by someone who doesn’t take the art of writing seriously. And, everybody doesn’t do that.

Question for you:

Have you heard the phrase “Anybody can write a book ?” What’s your answer?