One of the reasons I have started this consulting firm was so I could share as much information as I could with other writers interested in self-publishing. The truth is, it’s a crazy world out there filled with lots of options. And honestly, if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself becoming so overwhelmed that you don’t get anything done. Trust me, I know that feeling.

I’m often approached by other zealous writers with questions about how to self-publish. And sometimes, they want to know where to go first. “What is step one,” they ask.

Well, I’ll break it down to you in a few simple answers that might help you get started right now:

#1 Write.

When I first started writing my first book, I had no idea how to write fiction. I started writing my first novel (Awakened) before I published my devotional (Simply Wisdom). And trust me, I did not know a THING about fiction writing. I didn’t know much about how to properly write dialogue, the art of “showing vs. telling”… I had no clue. But all I did know was that I had a story in my brain that I wanted to write on paper. So, I pulled out my laptop and started from chapter one.

The truth is, all writers are growing. The more you write, the better you become at it. So, write what it is in your heart to share. Start there first.

#2 Connect with other writers/authors.

I didn’t know a thing about book writing until I stared blogging. I remember Googling “Writing Mentors” because I knew I was going to need some help with this. Well, little did I know that I could connect with one of the sweetest and one of my favorite Christian authors, Tricia Goyer, that way. She had a blog titled “My Writing Mentor” at the time and I logged on there consistently every day to see what wisdom she had to share. From there, I learned about the Yahoo writing group “The Writers View“. Suddenly, the world of writing started to open up to me in such a colorful way. I had no idea this world existed. From there, I met Mary DeMuth and learned of a writers group she’s a part of here in Dallas. I have met so many more sweet writers who have a heart to share the messages God placed in their heart to share.

Connecting with other writers helps you grow. And, don’t be afraid to ask questions from the experts. The more you know, the more you’ll grow.

#3 Read.

One of the greatest pieces of advice I’ve heard when I started was “Read!” The books you have in your library right now are from people who have been right where you are right now. It just makes sense for writers to read to learn from them. I joined Writers Digest where I was able to get writing books at a great discount. I wanted to learn more and more about how I can become a better writer. And there are many great books out there.

So, if you’re writing a devotional, read devotionals. Pay attention to how they are structured. Are they too preachy? Are they filled with compassion and share a message of hope? If you’re writing fiction, pay attention to dialogue. Is it believable? Does it sound like something you would hear in a regular conversation? Did the author paint a great picture for you? Whatever type of book you’re writing, it’s a good idea to read that type of book to learn from them.

There are many more writing tips that I’ll share on this blog. But for now, I wanted to highlight the three more important ones for writers who are hoping to finish their book and get published.

Question for you:

Do you have any other tips for writers who want to get published? What helped you the most?